Top-10 Field-Note Pitfalls
Field note errors and omissions can cause serious issues for your data. These are the Top-10 Field-Note Pitfalls to watch out for.
10 . Inconsistencies in data from multiple locations
9. Sample time and/or location discrepancies
8. Sloppy handwriting
7. Not achieving water-quality stabilization prior to sampling (low-flow groundwater)
6. Not crossing out, initialing, and dating unused portions of field forms
5. Failure to record required information
4. Missing information (water level, water-quality parameter, sample location, etc.)
3. Wrong well construction/sampling location information
2. Wrong date in sample identification (ID)
1. Wrong sample ID format
Environmental Standards’ F3 (Field-Fillable Forms) are the solution to avoiding pitfalls.
F3 is customizable and can be used on any standard tablet, laptop, or phone. Forms can be pre-populated, and drop-down lists reduce errors. Sample IDs can be automatically generated with correct nomenclature. When form is complete, auto-strikethroughs will be added to any unused fields.
F3 is an inexpensive solution that is quick to develop and deploy. Contact Environmental Standards to learn more.